Function objects


Collaboration diagram for Function objects:


class  chrono::ChFunction
 Interface base class for scalar functions. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionBSpline
 B-Spline motion function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionConst
 Function returnin a constant value. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionConstAcc
 Constant acceleration function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionConstJerk
 Ramp function composed by seven segments with constant jerk. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionCycloidal
 Cycloidal step function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionDerivative
 Derivative of a function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionFillet3
 Cubic fillet function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionIntegral
 Integral of a function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionInterp
 Interpolation function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionLambda
 Lambda function wrapper Allows the usage of C++ lambda functions as ChFunction objects. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionMirror
 Mirror function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionOperator
 Operation between functions: More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPoly
 Polynomial function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPoly23
 Cubic smooth step. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPoly345
 Polynomial step function y = h * (10*(x/w)^3 - 15*(x/w)^4 + 6*(x/w)^5) where: More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPosition
 Interface base class for scalar->vector functions. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPositionLine
 A motion function p=f(s) where p(t) is defined with a ChLine geometry object, ex. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPositionSetpoint
 A motion function p=f(s) where p(t) is an externally-provided sample, as a ZERO_ORDER_HOLD (zero order hold) of FIRST_ORDER_HOLD (first order). More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionPositionXYZFunctions
 A motion function p=f(s) where p(t) is defined with three independent ChFunction objects, each for px, py, pz component. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRamp
 Ramp function. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRepeat
 Repeat function: y = __/__/__/ More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotation
 Interface base class for scalar->quaternion functions of the type: More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotationABCFunctions
 A rotation function q=f(s) where q(s) is defined with three ChFunction objects, each per an an angle in an intrinsic triplets of angles (e.g. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotationAxis
 A rotation function q=f(s) where q(s) is defined with axis V and angle alpha, assuming fixed axis of rotation V and a angle of rotation alpha about that axis, expressed with a ChFunction object alpha=alpha(s). More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotationBSpline
 A rotation function q=f(s) that interpolates n rotations using a "quaternion B-Spline" of generic order. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotationSetpoint
 A rotation q=f(s) provided from a rotation sample, continuously updated by the user, behaving as a ZERO_ORDER_HOLD (zero order hold) of FIRST_ORDER_HOLD (first order). More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionRotationSQUAD
 A rotation function q=f(s) that interpolates n rotations using a SQUAD spherical quadrangle interpolation between quaternions. More...
class  chrono::ChFseqNode
 Node for the list of functions in a ChFunctionSequence object. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionSequence
 Sequence function: y = sequence_of_functions(f1(y), f2(y), f3(y)) All other function types can be inserted into this. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionSetpoint
 Function that returns Y from an externally-provided value, as a ZERO_ORDER_HOLD (zero order hold) block. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionSetpointCallback
 Interface for functions that uses a callback to return a Y value, as a ZERO_ORDER_HOLD (zero order hold) block. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionSine
 Sine function y = A*sin(2*PI*f + phase)`. More...
class  chrono::ChFunctionSineStep
 Sinusoidal ramp between two (x,y) points p1 and p2. More...