chrono::ros Namespace Reference


Namespace for Chrono::ROS.


class  ChROSAccelerometerHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChAccelerometerSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Imu. More...
class  ChROSBodyHandler
 This handler is responsible for publishing state information about a ChBody. More...
class  ChROSCameraHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChCameraSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Image. More...
class  ChROSClockHandler
 Publishes rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock messages at each timestep (by default) of the simulation. More...
class  ChROSDriverInputsHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChDriver to ROS. More...
class  ChROSGPSHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChGPSSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix. More...
class  ChROSGyroscopeHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChGyroscopeSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Imu. More...
class  ChROSHandler
 Base class for a ROS handler. More...
class  ChROSHandlerUtilities
 Utility class with static functions that may be useful for ROS handlers. More...
class  ChROSInterface
 This class handles the API interface between Chrono and ROS. More...
class  ChROSLidarHandler
 This handler interfaces a ChLidarSensor to ROS. More...
class  ChROSMagnetometerHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChMagnetometerSensor to ROS. More...
class  ChROSManager
 Managers the ROS handlers and their registration/updates. More...
class  ChROSRobotModelHandler
 This handler is responsible for publishing a robot model to be visualized in RViz RViz expects a string containing the robot model. More...
class  ChROSSensorHandlerUtilities
 Utility class with static functions that may be useful for sensor-specific ROS handlers. More...
class  ChROSTFHandler
 This handler is responsible for publishing transform (tf) information. More...
class  ChROSViperDCMotorControlHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ViperDCMotorControl driver to ROS. More...


enum  ChROSLidarHandlerMessageType { LASER_SCAN, POINT_CLOUD2 }


geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped CreateTransformStamped (chrono::ChFrame<> local_to_parent, const std::string &parent_frame_id, const std::string &child_frame_id, double time)