
Base class for a co-simulation node.

#include <ChVehicleCosimBaseNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode:


struct  MeshContact
 Mesh contact information (received from terrain node) More...
struct  MeshState
 Mesh state information (sent to terrain node) More...

Public Types

enum  NodeType { NodeType::MBS_WHEELED, NodeType::MBS_TRACKED, NodeType::TERRAIN, NodeType::TIRE }
 Type of node participating in co-simulation. More...
enum  InterfaceType { InterfaceType::BODY, InterfaceType::MESH }
 Type of the vehicle-terrain communication interface. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual NodeType GetNodeType () const =0
 Return the node type.
std::string GetNodeTypeString () const
 Return the node type as a string.
bool IsCosimNode () const
 Return true if this node is part of the co-simulation infrastructure.
void SetStepSize (double step)
 Set the integration step size (default: 1e-4).
double GetStepSize () const
 Get the integration step size.
void SetOutDir (const std::string &dir_name, const std::string &suffix="")
 Set the name of the output directory and an identifying suffix. More...
void SetVerbose (bool verbose)
 Enable/disable verbose messages during simulation (default: true).
void EnableRuntimeVisualization (double render_fps=100, bool save_img=false)
 Enable run-time visualization (default: false). More...
void SetCameraPosition (const ChVector3d &cam_pos, const ChVector3d &cam_target=VNULL)
 Set camera location and target point.
void SetCameraTracking (bool track)
 Enable/disable tracking of objects (default: true).
void EnablePostprocessVisualization (double render_fps=100)
 Enable Blender postprocessing (default: false). More...
const std::string & GetOutDirName () const
 Get the output directory name for this node.
double GetStepExecutionTime () const
 Get the simulation execution time for the current step on this node. More...
double GetTotalExecutionTime () const
 Get the cumulative simulation execution time on this node.
virtual void Initialize ()
 Initialize this node. More...
virtual void Synchronize (int step_number, double time)=0
 Synchronize this node. More...
virtual void OnRender ()
 Render the current simulation frame. More...
virtual void Advance (double step_size)=0
 Advance simulation. More...
void Render (double step_size)
 Render simulation frame. More...
virtual void OutputData (int frame)=0
 Output logging and debugging data.
virtual void OutputVisualizationData (int frame)=0
 Output post-processing visualization data. More...
virtual void WriteCheckpoint (const std::string &filename) const
 Write checkpoint to the specified file (which will be created in the output directory).

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string OutputFilename (const std::string &dir, const std::string &root, const std::string &ext, int frame, int frame_digits)
 Utility function for creating an output file name. More...

Protected Member Functions

 ChVehicleCosimBaseNode (const std::string &name)
virtual ChSystemGetSystemPostprocess () const =0
 Get the Chrono system that holds the visualization shapes (used only for post-processing export).
void SendGeometry (const utils::ChBodyGeometry &geom, int dest) const
 Utility function to pack and send a struct with geometry information.
void RecvGeometry (utils::ChBodyGeometry &geom, int source) const
 Utility function to receive and unpack a struct with geometry information.
void ProgressBar (unsigned int x, unsigned int n, unsigned int w=50)
 Utility function to display a progress bar to the terminal. More...

Protected Attributes

int m_rank
 MPI rank of this node (in MPI_COMM_WORLD)
double m_step_size
 integration step size
std::string m_name
 name of the node
std::string m_out_dir
 top-level output directory
std::string m_node_out_dir
 node-specific output directory
std::ofstream m_outf
 output file stream
bool m_renderRT
 if true, perform run-time rendering
bool m_renderRT_all
 if true, render all frames
double m_renderRT_step
 time step between rendered frames
bool m_writeRT
 if true, write images to file
bool m_renderPP
 if true, save data for post-processing
bool m_renderPP_all
 if true, save data at all frames
double m_renderPP_step
 time step between post-processing save frames
bool m_track
 track objects
ChVector3d m_cam_pos
 camera location
ChVector3d m_cam_target
 camera target (lookat) point
unsigned int m_num_wheeled_mbs_nodes
unsigned int m_num_tracked_mbs_nodes
unsigned int m_num_terrain_nodes
unsigned int m_num_tire_nodes
ChTimer m_timer
 timer for integration cost
double m_cum_sim_time
 cumulative integration cost
bool m_verbose
 verbose messages during simulation?

Static Protected Attributes

static const double m_gacc = -9.81

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ InterfaceType

Type of the vehicle-terrain communication interface.

  • A BODY interface assumes communication is done at the wheel spindle or track shoe level. At a synchronization time, the terrain node receives the full state of the spindle or track shoe body and must send forces acting on that body, for each tire or track shoe present in the simulation. This type of interface should be used for track shoes, rigid tires, or when the terrain node also performs the dynamics of a flexible tire.
  • A MESH interface assumes communication is done at the tire mesh level. At a synchronization time, the terrain node receives the tire mesh vertex states (positions and velocities) are must send forces acting on vertices of the mesh, for each object. This interface is typically used when flexible tires are simulated outside the terrain node (on separate tire nodes).

exchange state and force for a single body (wheel spindle or track shoe)


exchange state and force for a mesh (flexible tire mesh)

◆ NodeType

Type of node participating in co-simulation.


node performing multibody dynamics (wheeled vehicle)


node performing multibody dynamics (tracked vehicle)


node performing terrain simulation


node performing tire simulation

Member Function Documentation

◆ Advance()

virtual void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::Advance ( double  step_size)
pure virtual

Advance simulation.

This function is called after a synchronization to allow the node to advance its state by the specified step. A node is allowed to take as many internal integration steps as required, but no inter-node communication should occur. A node may call Render() at the end of the step for possible visualization.

Implemented in chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimWheeledMBSNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTrackedMBSNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTireNodeFlexible, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTireNodeRigid, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimOtherNode, and chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTireNodeBypass.

◆ EnablePostprocessVisualization()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::EnablePostprocessVisualization ( double  render_fps = 100)

Enable Blender postprocessing (default: false).

If enabled, output will be generated in dir_name/[NodeName]suffix/ (see SetOutDir).

◆ EnableRuntimeVisualization()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::EnableRuntimeVisualization ( double  render_fps = 100,
bool  save_img = false 

Enable run-time visualization (default: false).

If enabled, rendering is done with the specified frequency. Note that a concrete node may not support run-time visualization or may not render all physics elements.

◆ GetStepExecutionTime()

double chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::GetStepExecutionTime ( ) const

Get the simulation execution time for the current step on this node.

This represents the time elapsed since the last synchronization point.

◆ Initialize()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::Initialize ( )

Initialize this node.

This function allows the node to initialize itself and, optionally, perform an initial data exchange with any other node. A derived class implementation should first call this base class function.

Reimplemented in chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTireNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimWheeledMBSNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNode, and chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTrackedMBSNode.

◆ OnRender()

virtual void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::OnRender ( )

Render the current simulation frame.

This function is invoked from Render() at the frequency specified in the call to EnableRuntimeVisualization().

◆ OutputFilename()

std::string chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::OutputFilename ( const std::string &  dir,
const std::string &  root,
const std::string &  ext,
int  frame,
int  frame_digits 

Utility function for creating an output file name.

It generates and returns a string of the form "{dir}/{root}_{frame}.{ext}", where {frame} is printed using the format "%0{frame_digits}d".

◆ OutputVisualizationData()

virtual void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::OutputVisualizationData ( int  frame)
pure virtual

◆ ProgressBar()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::ProgressBar ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  n,
unsigned int  w = 50 

Utility function to display a progress bar to the terminal.

Displays an ASCII progress bar for the quantity x which must be a value between 0 and n. The width 'w' represents the number of '=' characters corresponding to 100%.

◆ Render()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::Render ( double  step_size)

Render simulation frame.

This function invokes OnRender() at the frequency specified through EnableRuntimeVisualization().

◆ SetOutDir()

void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::SetOutDir ( const std::string &  dir_name,
const std::string &  suffix = "" 

Set the name of the output directory and an identifying suffix.

Output files will be created in subdirectories named dir_name/[NodeName]suffix/ where [NodeName] is "MBS", "TIRE", or "TERRAIN".

◆ Synchronize()

virtual void chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::Synchronize ( int  step_number,
double  time 
pure virtual

Synchronize this node.

This function is called at every co-simulation synchronization time to allow the node to exchange information with any other node.

Implemented in chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTireNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimWheeledMBSNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNode, chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTrackedMBSNode, and chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimOtherNode.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/cosim/ChVehicleCosimBaseNode.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/cosim/ChVehicleCosimBaseNode.cpp