chrono::opengl Namespace Reference


Namespace with classes for the OpenGL module.


class  ChOpenGLBars
 Renders rectangular bars. More...
class  ChOpenGLBase
 Base class for all OpenGL related classes. More...
class  ChOpenGLCamera
 OpenGL camera class. More...
class  ChOpenGLCloud
 Generic renderable point cloud. More...
class  ChOpenGLContacts
 Renders contact points as a point cloud. More...
class  ChOpenGLEventCB
 Interface of an object which can receive events. More...
class  ChOpenGLGraphs
 Class to render simple plots for the UI. More...
class  ChOpenGLMesh
 Generic renderable triangle mesh. More...
class  ChOpenGLOBJ
 Class for rendering an object. More...
class  ChOpenGLObject
 Base class for all drawable objects. More...
class  ChOpenGLOBJLoader
 Uses the tiny_obj_loader library to load an OBJ file in the proper format. More...
class  ChOpenGLParticleCB
 Base class for a particle rendering discriminator. More...
class  ChOpenGLShader
 Sample shader class that loads and compiles the vertex and fragment shaders. More...
class  ChOpenGLStats
 Base class for an OpenGL stats overlay. More...
class  ChOpenGLStatsDefault
 Class that renders the text and other UI elements. More...
class  ChOpenGLText
 Generic renderable text class that uses an atlas stored in the FontData.h file. More...
class  ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSN
 Support for ADS lighting with glow. More...
class  ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSNT
 Support for ADS lighting with glow and texture coordinates. More...
class  ChOpenGLViewer
 OpenGL viewer, this class draws the system to the screen and handles input. More...
class  ChOpenGLWires
 Renders a wireframe view for triangles. More...
class  ChVisualSystemOpenGL
 OpenGL-based Chrono run-time visualization system. More...


enum  CameraType { ORTHO, FREE }
enum  CameraDirection {
enum  RenderMode { POINTS, WIREFRAME, SOLID }