chrono::fsi Namespace Reference
Namespace with classes for the FSI module.
Namespaces | |
BoxSide | |
Enumeration for box sides. | |
CylSide | |
Enumeration for cylinder sides. | |
sph | |
Namespace with internal classes for the SPH-based FSI submodule. | |
Classes | |
class | ChBenchmarkFixture |
Generic benchmark fixture for Chrono tests. More... | |
class | ChBenchmarkTest |
Base class for a Chrono FSI benchmark test. More... | |
class | ChFluidSystem |
Base class for an FSI-aware fluid solver. More... | |
class | ChFluidSystemSPH |
Physical system for and SPH FSI-aware fluid solver. More... | |
class | ChFsiInterface |
Base class for processing the interface between Chrono and FSI modules. More... | |
class | ChFsiInterfaceGeneric |
Generic interface between a Chrono multibody system and a fluid system. More... | |
class | ChFsiInterfaceSPH |
Custom FSI interface between a Chrono multibody system and the SPH-based fluid system. More... | |
class | ChFsiProblemCartesian |
Class to set up a Chrono::FSI problem using particles and markers on a Cartesian coordinates grid. More... | |
class | ChFsiProblemCylindrical |
Class to set up a Chrono::FSI problem using particles and markers on a cylindrical coordinates grid. More... | |
class | ChFsiProblemSPH |
Base class to set up a Chrono::FSI problem. More... | |
class | ChFsiSystem |
Base class for a system for fluid-solid interaction problems. More... | |
class | ChFsiSystemSPH |
FSI system using an SPH-based fluid solver. More... | |
class | ChFsiVisualization |
Base class for a run-time visualization system for SPH-based FSI systems. More... | |
class | ChFsiVisualizationGL |
OpenGL-based run-time visualization system for SPH-based FSI systems. More... | |
class | ChFsiVisualizationVSG |
VSG-based run-time visualization system for SPH-based FSI systems. More... | |
class | DepthPressurePropertiesCallback |
Predefined SPH particle initial properties callback (depth-based pressure). More... | |
struct | FsiBody |
Description of a rigid body exposed to the FSI system. More... | |
struct | FsiBodyForce |
Definition of a body wrench (force + torque). More... | |
struct | FsiBodyState |
Definition of a body state. More... | |
struct | FsiMesh1D |
Description of an FEA mesh with 1-D segments exposed to the FSI system. More... | |
struct | FsiMesh2D |
Description of an FEA mesh with 2-D faces exposed to the FSI system. More... | |
struct | FsiMeshForce |
Definition of a node forces for a mesh. More... | |
struct | FsiMeshState |
Definition of node states for a mesh. More... | |
class | ParticleDensityColorCallback |
Predefined SPH coloring based on particle density. More... | |
class | ParticleHeightColorCallback |
Predefined SPH coloring based on particle height. More... | |
class | ParticlePressureColorCallback |
Predefined SPH coloring based on particle pressure. More... | |
class | ParticleVelocityColorCallback |
Predefined SPH coloring based on particle velocity. More... | |
class | WaveTankParabolicBeach |
Predefined wave tank profile with a parabolic beach. More... | |
class | WaveTankRampBeach |
Predefined wave tank profile with a ramp beach. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | PhysicsProblem { PhysicsProblem::CFD, PhysicsProblem::CRM } |
Physics problem type. More... | |
enum | SPHMethod { SPHMethod::WCSPH, SPHMethod::I2SPH } |
SPH method. More... | |
enum | EosType { TAIT, ISOTHERMAL } |
Equation of State type. More... | |
SPH kernel type. | |
Visosity method type. | |
enum | BoundaryType { ADAMI, HOLMES } |
Boundary type. | |
Rheology type. | |
enum | FrictionLaw { CONSTANT, LINEAR, NONLINEAR } |
Friction law in ISPH. | |
enum | SolverType { JACOBI, BICGSTAB, GMRES, CR, CG, SAP } |
Linear solver type. | |
enum | BcePatternMesh1D { FULL, STAR } |
BCE pattern in cross section of 1-D flexible elements. More... | |
enum | BcePatternMesh2D { CENTERED, OUTWARD, INWARD } |
BCE pattern along normal of 2-D surface of flexible elements. More... | |
enum | OutputLevel { OutputLevel::STATE, OutputLevel::STATE_PRESSURE, OutputLevel::CFD_FULL, OutputLevel::CRM_FULL } |
Output level. More... | |
Functions | |
Real3 | LoadVectorJSON (const Value &a) |
bool | InsidePoint (const utils::ChBodyGeometry &geometry, const ChVector3d &p, double envelope) |
Variables | |
const Real | pi = Real(CH_PI) |